I'm Ayuschka. And I'd like to share with you every eccentric art I saw or even those a little bit odd, photo, design... I'll try to put as much information here as I find interesting, but always add a link to its original site.

Thursday, November 27, 2008


А то я тут пока искала эту статью успела уже порадоваться что у него сын есть!
And while I's searching this article I'd rejoiced him holding his own son already!


Now, the Korean government is campaigning to keep adoptions within the motherland.
And top stars Lee Mi-yeon, Yun Eun-hye, Joo Ji-hoon, Kim Jung-Eun, Jang Hyuk, Park Jung-a, Lee Seung-ki, Wondergirls, Suh Kyeong-suk participated in a special photo shoot by photographer Cho Sei-hon.
you can view more pictures at lovefund.or.kr (in Korean).


Ким Янг Хьюк!
Корейское правительство проводит кампанию, чтобы yдержать усыновление в пределах родины.И топ звезды Lee Mi-yeon, Yun Eun-hye, Joo Ji-hoon, Kim Jung-Eun, Jang Hyuk, Park Jung-a, Lee Seung-ki, Wondergirls, Suh Kyeong-suk участвовали вспециальнойфотосессиис Чо Сейнхон.
больше фото lovefund.or.kr (на корейском).


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